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Generating Sales Through LinkedIn

Building Business Through LinkedIn


Businesses spend most of their time and money on attracting new clients vs hunting for them, as a hunting strategy takes a lot of time and follow-up to successful.

LinkedIn is a great tool to find highly tartgeted prospects, but most people don’t know how to take a relationship beyond “John Smith is a new connection”.

Using a proprietary method we found a way to not only generate a highly targeted lead list through your 2nd-degree connection network on LinkedIn, we found a way to connect you with an average of 20 new ideal prospects/day on LinkedIn and using custom follow-up messaging, bring them to the point where you’re meeting with an average of 5-10 ideal prospects per week interested in your services.


If you are spending thousands on online advertising and are tired of chasing prospects but know you need them to grow, we have the ability to very quickly show you where you are making mistakes and put together the plan to correct it.

This is what you need to do. My system does it for you.


What to expect

Once we’re in full swing this is what you can expect your inbox to look like based on previous clients I worked with.

Next Steps…

Let’s see if your business is a fit.  Feel free to book a time that works and I call you to discuss your business and see if you’re a fit.

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